Saturday 3 March 2012

Cure for Myopia

Myopia or nearsightedness is probably the most common eye disorder. People with myopia have difficulties seeing clearly distant objects. At first it is hard to make out things situated far from us but as the disease progresses, it becomes increasingly difficult to see even at closer range.
Usually, myopia is treated with correction glasses or contact lenses. Modern laser eye surgeries provide another treatment alternative. The problem with both common treatments is that they are not really addressing the cause of the disorder – the inability of the eye muscles to adjust the shape of the lens to focus at distant objects.
It will be too much to say that there is a natural cure for nearsightedness. However, a good eye exercise for myopia combined with several beneficial vision relaxation techniques can greatly help people with myopia see better.
One of the best relaxation techniques for myopia is the Palming vision relaxation technique. It is an easy yet efficient way to give your eyes a break and release the tension accumulated in your eye muscles. Click on the following link learn more easy eye relaxation techniques.
Since nearsightedness is closely related to the eye muscles, any vision exercise aimed at improving the flexibility of those muscles is in fact an eye exercise for myopia that can help you improve eyesight naturally. You can choose any of the following eye exercises:
- Vision Exercises to Improve Eyesight: Near-Far Focus
- Vision Exercises to Improve Eyesight: Tibetan Chart
- Vision Exercises to Improve Eyesight: Tracing

Tibetan has used natural methods to correct visual weakness and improve eyesight. They are peripheral vision technique, Tibetan chart, and eye exercise.

Tibetan eye exercise for vision correction

  • Tibetan peripheral vision technique
  • Tibetan eye chart
  • Eye exercise using Tibetan chart

Tibetan Peripheral Vision Technique

How important is a peripheral vision? Everyone uses his or her peripheral vision while driving, walking, playing sports, at work and at home. In fact, if one not using their peripheral vision, he/she would end up with "tunnel vision." Gazing hard, straight forward, makes the eyes lose the ability to see clearly peripherally (side-vision).
How well do you see on the sides? Before being taught to read, children can see with their side (peripheral) vision clear and sharp. "The normal eye sees one thing BEST, but not one thing only." By developing the "Peripheral" (side vision), one can have "eyes behind the head." Gazing straight (forward) without moving to either side, just pay attention to what is going on "peripherally" on the right and left sides.
  • Hold a pencil in each hand, twelve inches in front of the eyes.
  • Gaze straight out past the pencils into the "distance," without looking directly at the pencils. See the pencils with the "Peripheral Vision." Do not look directly at the pencils.
  • Move each pencil sloooowly to the sides of each eye, as far as it can be seen them peripherally. Repeat this front-to-side movement at least ten times.
  • Next, move the pencils, right hand upward and left hand downward, ten times.
  • Next, move the pencil's right hand diagonally upward, and left hand diagonally downward, ten times.
  • Next, move the pencil's left hand diagonally upward, and right hand diagonally downward, ten times.
  • Next, hold pencils twelve inches in front of the eyes and make a circle about two or three feet in diameter, from in front of the eyes, out to the sides.
Keep the eyes looking straight ahead in all Seven Steps? Perform circles clockwise and counterclockwise.

Tibetan Eye Chart

Tibetan eye chart

Eye exercise using Tibetan chart

These exercises do without eyeglasses or contacts. Perform each movement for 30 seconds while in a sitting position, spine straight and do not move the head but eyes.
  • With the palm of each hand, cup, both closed eyes to relax them.
  • Move the eyes clockwise around the outer circle of dots
  • Repeat this movement in a counterclockwise rotation
  • Move the eyes back and forth between the dots at 2 and 8 o'clock
  • Repeat this movement back and forth between dots at 4 and 10 o'clock
  • Blink the eyes briefly and finish therapy with the eye palming.
Repeat exercises as desired being careful to avoid strain. Once after beginning the therapy, you try to wear eyeglasses and contacts as little as possible. In time, these crutches will become unnecessary.
Practicing vision therapy exercises two or three times a week and rest for two or three days between sessions. Eyes and body heals and rebuilds imparting strength.

Egyptian eye exercise for eye vision correction

  • Lazy Eight
  • Egyptian black dots exercise
  • Egyptian letter gazing exercise
Practice these eye exercise techniques two or three times a week. Take 2 or 3-day rest between each eye session, depending on the energy level. The day after the first eye routine, the eye muscles may be sore; do not worry. The "soreness" will gradually leave. Soreness means that it has "worked-out" weak eye muscles lying dormant for many years. The rest period between each eye exercise session is also important. During periods of rest, the eyes and body heal and rebuild, imparting strength and health. Never wear glasses while performing eye exercises. If you are able to move around without glasses, then do so, when start this program.

"Lazy Eight" Neck Loosening Exercise

It is a Pre-Eye Exercise Warm-Up Technique. Performing the lazy eight exercises slowly and smoothly loosens the back of the neck, calms the nervous system, and enables to focus the eyes clearly. Simply draw imaginary "eights" with the nose, while moving the head. Large "figure-eights" drawn with the nose helps to relax the larger muscles of the eyes, while tiny "figure eights" relax the smaller muscles of the eyes.
How to do: Draw figure eights with the nose; move the head slowly and smoothly. Vary the "figure eights" by drawing them vertically, then horizontally. Draw large ones and finally tiny "figure eights." Perform them in both directions - right to left and left to right top to bottom and bottom to top. Spend at least three minutes on this exercise.
The Lazy Eight Neck Exercise is performing first in routine because it relaxes the neck muscles and allows fresh blood to flow to the eyes and brain. It prepares for the rest of the eye routine and insures greater success in improving the vision. The eye exercises that follow, if practiced regularly and consistently, can help bring the vision back to 20-20 and beyond! Perform the eye exercises with joy and relaxation. Results will be forthcoming.

Egyptian Black Dot Technique

Egyptian black dot eye technique Part I - First prepare the Black Dot on a two - three white card. (Do not move the head; move the card only - in and out) Draw a Black Dot about the size of a button on the card with black ink. If have trouble seeing close (farsightedness) does not perform this first part of the Black Dot Technique. Perform the second part only below. Hold the card in front of the eyes. Next, move card to the tip of the nose and gaze at the black dot for 30 seconds. You must see only one dot, if you see two dots, move the card away from the nose until only see one dot. After 30 seconds, moves the card straight out in front of the eyes, then rest and close the eyes for a few seconds. Raise the card up between eyebrows and gaze at the dot for 30 seconds. Move the card as close as possible to see only one dot. Then rest for a few seconds. Be sure that only see one dot; this means that both eyes are working together. Be persistent and consistent and the results are amazing. Remember to breathe gently, deeply and naturally.
Egyptian black dot eye technique Part II - While keeping the head straight, move the black dots to the right shoulder and gaze at it for 30 seconds. Then, move dots to the left shoulder and gazes at it for 30 seconds close eyes, and rest. Farsighted people can perform this shoulder-to-shoulder Black Dot Exercise with a great benefit. The Black Dot Techniques make the eye muscles focus in positions it does not normally focus in. This helps to reshape and balance the eyeball itself.

Egyptian Letter Gazing Technique

Egyptian letter gazing part I (Exercise for Close & Distant Vision) - Cut out three 1 /8" to 1 /4" thick letters from a newspaper or magazine and glue them on a 2 x 3 white card. Perform each exercise with one eye at a time, then both eyes together. Cover the eye with the palm is to keep open during the exercise. This enables both eyes to work together during the exercise. Start out with three repetitions in each direction. Every two to three weeks add one repetition, until reach six.
  • Hold the card twelve inches in front of the eyes. Concentrate on one of the letters, always focusing to see it clearly. Move the card above the eyes and below the chin, three times. Perform this one eye at a time and then both eyes together. Keep the head still-move the eyes only.
  • Hold card twelve inches in front of the eyes. Move the card slowly from the right eye to the left eye-always keeping sight of the letter. Perform with one eye, then both eyes together, three times each.
  • Hold the letter in front of the face, and move the card in right and left diagonally. Perform three times each way. Again, perform one eye at a time, then both eyes together.
  • Move the card in large circles, at arm's length. Perform three times each way, one eye at a time, then both together.
  • Hold the card about one foot in front of the head and move the card smoothly in a ten-inch diameter circle. Perform ten times clockwise and ten times counterclockwise. Perform with one eye at a time and both eyes together.
Important Eye Note: Breathe deeply and naturally and try not to blink. See the letter as clearly as possible without eyestrain. These Egyptian Eye Techniques are superior exercises for reshaping the eyeballs and strengthening the eye muscles. They help to create eye muscle balance. You do not confuse this exercise with an ordinary eye exercise; there is no comparison!
It helps to reshape the eye back to its normal position, so that light can focus on the retina properly for perfect eyesight. This technique coordinates the mind and eyes to work in perfect harmony. Persistence is the key to success in vision improvement.
Egyptian letter gazing Part II (Exercise for Close & Distant Vision) - After practicing the Egyptian Letter Gazing Technique Part I for a month, then now practice the Advanced Egyptian Letter Gazing Technique, Part II.
How to Perform: Hold the card at least two to three feet from the eyes. To improve the distant sight, must use the eyes to see beyond two feet to overcome myopia (nearsightedness). Paste a black letter on a 2 by 3 cards and tape the cards to one end of a 12-inch ruler. These letters should be big enough to see easily at two feet. As the eyesight becomes clear at this distance, use smaller letters to help obtain further improvement.

To improve the close vision (farsightedness), simply perform the eye exercise holding the letters less than twelve inches from the eyes. Perform this "Advanced" exercise in the same sequence as did in the above Beginning Egyptian Letter Gazing Technique - Part I.
Chinese Monks practice eye exercises for better eyesight, they are: 'Yang Eye' Candle Gazing, Whipping Eye Technique, Eye Trombone, Stretch Your Vision, Heal Liver and Eyes with the Color of Green.
Before applying any alternative medicines therapy, everyone should be aware that many of these therapy have not been evaluated in scientific studies. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness.

'Yang Eye' Candle Gazing Technique for beautiful eye

It is known to give one glowing magnetic eyes. The whites of the eyes become clear, full of luster, and shine with brightness.
How to do: Light a candle and sit in front of it at arms length and at eye level. Gaze steadily at it without blinking. Breathe naturally, and continue gazing for five minutes without moving the body. Try not to move the eyelids. Less movement brings more magnetic power and control into the eyes and nervous system. Keep the eyes open and allow the tears to flow down the cheeks; open the eyes wider as the tears flow down. For every minute, close the eyes for 10 or 15 seconds. Finish by closing the eyes and palming for two minutes to cool down the eyes.

Tracking Eye Technique for crystal clear vision

(The Secret to Crystal Sharp Vision) Tracking or Edging means seeing the outline of any object. It helps one to regain the natural ability to focus upon the macula. To improve the distant vision, 'Edge' or 'Trace' the eyes around a picture or a large letter on a sign that can seen clearly. Edge or Track around a table 20 or 30 feet away. Practice edging, objects become sharp and clear to see. Each week pick out smaller and smaller letters until read the smallest print easily. Remember to close the eyes for a few moments between Tracking or Edging.
Also do by point the nose at an object that have chosen and move the tip of the nose along its edges. At first, move slowly around the object, seeing each part of the Edge. Later as one become proficient, he/she can speed up the Edging.

Close vision exercise (farsighted)

Part I (Accommodative "Whipping Eye Technique") - "Whipping' is one of the best eye exercises for strengthening the accommodative eye muscles to improve close vision. How to perform the Whipping Eye Exercise: Cup the left palm over the left eye. Hold a card with a black letter on it that can easily see, at arms length in front of the eyes. Pull the card toward the right eye at a moderate speed within a few inches of the face. Next, quickly 'whip' the card suddenly back to arm's length. Repeat this movement several times. Then, use the left eye while the right eye is cupped with the right palm. Repeat several times. Next, practice 'whipping' with both eyes open at the same time. Repeat several times. Perform two to three times a week. "Whipping" is an exercise that greatly helps presbyopia (middle-age sight), farsightedness, and any other close vision problems.
Part II (Tromboning) - How to Perform the Tromboning Eye Exercise: Hold a 2 x 3 card with a small black letter that can easily see at arms' length. From arms length, 'slide' (move) the card three inches toward the right eye, and then move it back to arms' length. Next, 'slide' the card six inches toward the right eye, and then move it back out to arms length. Next 'slide' the cards nine inches toward the right eye, and then move it back out to arms length. Progress in this manner three inches at a time until the card is a couple inches away from the eye. Practice several times with the right eye. Next, perform 'Tromboning' with the left eye, then with both eyes together.
Move the card at a moderate easy speed. Relax and breathe easily. After practicing this exercise for a few weeks, vary the speed of the card-- moving the card more slowly, other times at a brisk speed. Consistently practiced, Whipping and Tromboning eventually awakens and strengthens the focusing muscles for the close point, to see the print sharp and clear.
Part III (Close Point Eye Sharpening Technique) - Many people go through middle age with blurry vision at the close point. And this exercise, as well as the previous one is a positive step in doing something to strengthen and improve the close vision.
  • Hold "Eye Chart" in front of the eyes, from 12 to 20 inches, where it can be seen without strain. 
  • Trace a letter of the first paragraph with the eyes, for example, "V".
  • Close the eyes and trace and visualize the letter "V" in the mind.
  • Open the eyes look at the letter "V" and trace it again.
  • Close the eyes and trace letter "V" again, then open eyes while inhaling and exhaling a gentle deep breath, and look at the letter "V". 
  • Move the letter "V" in slowly towards the eyes while trying to see the letter as clearly as possible--when the letter starts to blur, stop the movement. 
  • Close the eyes for a few seconds. Open the eyes with a deep breath and move letter "V" away from the eyes, and notice the letter become clearer.
  • Place both palms over eyes for twenty seconds, while visualizing a black color.
Repeat Steps One through Eight with the first letter of all eleven paragraphs, for example, 'T" for paragraph #2. "R" from paragraph #3 and so forth. Or go down to the smallest paragraph that can see clearly. Practice this exercise at least 15 to 20 minutes, two or three times a week.

Distance vision exercise (nearsightedness)

"Stretch the Vision" is extremely valuable in extending the limits of the distant vision, especially for myopic vision (nearsightedness). Practice "Stretch the Vision" at least 15 to 30 minutes each session, two or three times a week.
  • Step 1: Stand straight and select one of the "letters" on the chart.
  • Step 2: Trace the chosen "letter in the mind, then close the eyes for a few seconds. Relax the hands, shoulders, eyes, legs, neck etc.
  • Step 3: Open the eyes and look at the letter again. Next, place both palms over eyes and "Palm" while visualizing the "letter" in the mind for 15 seconds.
  • Step 4: Open the eyes with a deep inhalation and exhalation of breath, noting the "letter" becoming blacker.
  • Step 5: While looking at the "letter", begin swaying slowly from side to side. While continue to sway, move sloooowly away from the chart, taking very short backward steps. Breathe naturally and allow the print to come in clearly. When reach the point where the print becomes indistinct or unreadable, STOP! At this point, bend forward at the waist, continuing to sway, and again read the "letter". Now, resume the short backward steps. Again, even though lean far forward, when reach the point at which the printed letters are no longer legible. When this occurs, straighten up, move close to the chart and repeat the exercise on the next smaller line, following the above instructions. Repeat each line until he/she reach the bottom line of the chart. It is important to relax the entire body while performing this exercise. Mentally and physically feel the shoulders, neck, face, eye, arms and hands relax. Let go of the jaw muscles and let them drop. Let the eyes become soft and calm.

Heal Liver and Eyes with the Color of Green

In the Orient, the Taoist Masters teach us that "green" is associated with the liver and the eyes. Green vegetables and nature's green colors--trees, grass etc., help to heal the liver and eyes. Gently visualize green trees, green grass, blue-green Ocean, and the eyes and mind become calmer, happier and more peaceful. Palming at any time when feel the need to relax and let go--it refreshes the mind and rejuvenates the eyes.
Indian yogi's practice eye exercise for better vision, they are Sun Gazing, Eye Accommodation, Eye squeezing, nasal massage and head lift technique.

Yogic eye exercise for Vision correction

  • Secrets of Yoga Sun Gazing as eye correction
  • Yogic eye accommodative eye training
  • Eyes Squeeze for vision improvement
  • Indian Yoga nasal massage for eye correction
  • Head lift technique for eye and ear problems

Secrets of Yoga Sun Gazing as eye correction

The ancient Yogis use "Yoga Sun Gazing" as a meditation to infuse the body, mind, and spirit with healing solar light and power.
How to do: Go outside at SUNRISE or SUNSET when the solar is red or orange. Open the eyes wide and take in nine deep breaths (in and out gently) while looking at the sun. Feel the "sun energy' traveling into the eyes and down to the belly button area (Hara). After sun gazing, gently cover the eyes with the palms, for a few minutes while visualizing color black. This helps to relax and heal stress and tension in the mind and eyes.

Yogic eye accommodative eye training

Eye Exercise Part I (Improve Close & Distant Vision) - The ancient Indian Hindu Yogi has devised many techniques, for improving the eyesight. This marvelous eye exercise helps the eyes to improve their ability to change focus and see clearly, in the distance, and at the close-up.
Modern science tells us that the accommodative eye muscles weaken with age. However, this is not true, if he/she continues to use the accommodative focusing eye muscles regularly; eyesight will remain clear and strong throughout life. If one lost their "accommodative eye focusing ability," this eye exercise can bring back the natural eye accommodation for distance and close-up seeing: This exercise mainly helps farsightedness or old age sight, the ability to focus at the close-up clearly. Practice this exercise outside in good light or inside in a well-lighted room, while looking out the window.
  • One: Pick out a distant object, about twenty feet or more away (tree, car, building, etc. This is the distant vision object.
  • Two: In the hand, hold a 2 x 3 card with black letters, large enough to see clearly.
  • Three: Hold card at the eye level at arm's length away, so that it can see clearly.
  • Four: Look at a distant object; see it clearly. Now, move the eyes back to a letter on the card (at the close point) and see it clearly for a few seconds. Perform this accommodative eye movement three times (in and out).
  • Five: When the letter on the card becomes easier to see, then move the card a couple of inches closer and repeat this "close point and distant point" movement three times, as in Step 4.
  • Six: Next, move the card a few inches closer, while still seeing it clearly. Again, repeat the "close" and "distant" eye movement, always focusing the eyes as clearly as can be.
The accommodative eye muscles, just like any other body muscles, become weaker because of disuse. Eye exercises induce fresh blood flow, chi flow and nerve energy to the eye muscles and nerves, thereby enhancing vision. Perform this movement two or three times a week.
Eye Exercise Part 2 (To Improve Distant Vision) - Follow the steps in above exercise, but reverse the procedure by looking at a card with letters on it,
  • Held at a reading distance that is 15 to 18 inches away from the eyes.
  • Hold the card where he/she can be able to see the letters' clearly, then immediately look at any object twenty feet away, i.e., tree, car, building, etc.
  • Focus the eyes from the card to the distant object, seeing both as clearly as possible, three times back and forth.
  • Look at an object twenty to thirty feet further away than the first object.
  • Repeat the back and forth eye movement three times. Continue with this exercise by looking at objects further into the distance. Practice this distance seeing accommodative eye movement for five minutes, two or three times a week.

Eyes Squeeze for vision improvement

Breathe in slowly and gradually squeeze the eyes tightly for 10 to 15 seconds. Slowly exhale, making the sound "ssshhh" while opening the eyes widely. Repeat 3-6 times. This Taoist eye technique increases circulation to the eyes, prevents watery eyes, strengthens the eyelid and tear gland muscle (orbiculairs palpebrarum). This normalizes lachrymal glands. These glands furnish an alkaline solution that purifies the eyes and imparts a brilliant, sparkling luster to the eyes. The Healing Sound "Ssshhh" is useful to purify the liver and calm the nervous system. Opening the eye wide while exhaling the sound "ssshhh" releases anger and tension from the liver and the eyes.

Indian Yoga nasal massage for eye correction

Ayurvedic Indian Medicine teaches us that chronic colds, flu, mucus and lung congestion is the basic cause of most eye problems. The eyes are in close proximity to the nasal and sinus passages. Nasal massage helps to improve sinus conditions and allows seeing objects with clarity.
How to do: Dip the baby finger into sesame oil, ghee, or one drop of eucalyptus oil and insert it into each nostril. Massage as deep as possible, slowly massage in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction. It may feel soreness. Go easy. It may also sneeze and blow the nose several times. Do not panic. This is a cleansing reaction by the body. It will clear the sinuses quickly! It opens up the lung breathing channels, releases pent-up emotions, and improves eye clarity. Gently perform the Yoga Nasal Massage three times a week, one minute for each nostril.

Head lift technique for eye and ear problems

The "Head Lift" Technique is an excellent exercise to clear up ear and eye problems. It also helps to overcome headaches, neck and shoulder pain.
How to do: Place entire hand-fingers and palms around the neck at the lower part of the skull (mastoid protuberance). Lift the head upward (face pointing forward) and a bit forward, while turning the head to the right when lifting. Turn and lift head to the left in the same manner. This simple movement can help unblock any pinched nerves in the neck or trapeziums muscles. Lift up the head gently, but do not squeeze the neck too hard. Turn as far as comfortable without straining or jerking. Practice the "Head Lift" several times daily, especially before sleep.


  1. I'm a developmental optometrist who works with children with worsening myopia. If you have an accommodative spasm (eyemuscle spasm due to excessive nearwork) then it's possible to get rid of that through relaxation exercises and vision therapy. These exercises listed would be beneficial as relaxation exercises. However there are also binocular problems that actually make it harder for the eyes to focus together as a team which then has a spillover effect into the focusing system. These exercises will not address the binocular problems. Everyone is a little different. I don't like the prepackaged programs that don't do any diagnostic work to give you the proper prognosis of what you can expect--they overpromise and underdeliver. I've had one patient who went from -0.75 and -1.50 down to zero and -1.00. Another patient went from -7.50 and -8.00 down to -6.00 and -6.50. These are patients that I identified as having accommodative spasms beforehand so they knew it would be possible to decrease their prescriptions. My site is Feel free to contact me there.

  2. this is the best eye exercises website on he web

    they are ancient magic exercises, they surely works

  3. This post should be useful for those who're dealing with myopia. I would recommend to give this technique a try it and see for yourself! However, for better results, it is still best see a retinal specialist

  4. Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more information about myopia. Please keep sharing.
    Health Is A Life

  5. Myopia is most common problem faced by lots of people all around the globe. For adults, myopia can be reversed with refractive surgery, also called laser eye surgery. A laser is used to reshape the corneal eye tissue and correct the refractive error. Laser eye surgery is not recommended for children – says optometrist Addison IL. By reading your post, Seems like you are professional in the field, keep sharing more information.

  6. Nice Post. Thanks for sharing this useful knowledge. Contact the Best Eye Doctor in Ludhiana to get the best eye treatments.
